Dashboard UI Kit 3.0

78 ratings

Product Website/Full Preview: https://dashboard-ui.com/

Full Youtube Walkthrough: https://youtu.be/MweW968hvKE

Product overview

The first and the largest design kit for web apps and dashboards developed in React with an open roadmap and monthly updates. With second release we're counting 60 new screens including 4 full conceptual apps. All based on Symbols and Styles.

Brand new visual language laid down on 1440px grid. With the most requested features from Dashboard UI Kits 1.0 and 2.0, this version comes fully armed with Symbols and Styles. First 15 screens are waiting for you as React templates as well.

Features Overview

Code + Design Package

  • 15 Screens - https://preview.dashboard-ui.com/
  • Clean code of more than 90+ components ready to use written in ES6, latest React and javascript patterns
  • Typescript support (components written natively in TS)
  • Lightweight & simple integration
  • All Responsive
  • Source Code of precoded pages based on CRA
  • Easy theming with CSS only
  • Bootstrap like class system

Design Package

  • 60 Unique screens
  • 4 Conceptual Apps (Social Network, Bnb Platform, Support Platform, Project Management Tool)
  • 1 Massive Styleguide - https://marvelapp.com/3bj03je/screen/46714795
  • 400+ Text Styles (In Sketch)
  • 600+ Symbols
  • 2 Mobile Dashboards and 2 Dark Layouts
  • All available for Sketch, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe XD

Product is available for Sketch, Adobe Photoshop and XD, React, HTML & CSS

Changelog now at: https://dashboard-ui.com/whats-new.html

Documentation: https://developer.dashboard-ui.com/docs/react/styleguide


Last Update: Brand new landing page and Domain

Release 4.1 | Released on: June 29, 2020

Brand new landing page with visual changelog, full preview on a separate page and finally a website this project deserve!

We're also now running fully on dashboard-ui.com domain and we're back in the game!


👋  me@janlosert.com

A product created by: https://twitter.com/janlosert

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Dashboard UI Kit 3.0

78 ratings
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